Greenbrier Valley 2019: A Virtual Tour of Greenbrier Valley

by Jane Sophia
Greenbrier Valley

Begin your virtual visit to a paradise on Earth called Greenbrier Valley that is part of West Virginia in the United States and also a very beautiful landscape in WA.

Watch a video clip of Greenbrier County in which the Greenbrier Valley is located. Notice the quaint atmosphere at the beginning of the video, remember to roam the rolling hills, watch the almost-no-traffic highways in the video. If Greenbrier Valley virtual tour entices you to plan a trip, read further information that can be useful to you during your impending vacation to West Virginia.

Overview of Greenbrier Valley, West Virginia.

The word ‘quaint’ would instantly come to your mind as soon as you see some images and videos of Greenbrier Valley located in Greenbrier County in West Virginia, United States.

The serene and unpolluted streets, houses that ooze calmness, beautiful green meadows and river are some of the identities of Greenbrier County.

All the major eight towns in Greenbrier County are ideal for you to retire.

Location of Greenbrier County, West Virginia.

Greenbrier Valley is located at a distance of 460 km from the nation’s capital Washington D.C.

What to see in Greenbrier Valley?

As you saw in the video above of Greenbrier Valley, there is a vast area of evergreen mountains. It measures an area of approximately 5000 acres.

Greenbrier State Forest

Greenbrier Valley

This cool green area is a haven for hikers who do not fail to visit every spring from several neighboring states of America.

The hiking trails are sidelined with tall and old trees that you see only in evergreen forests.

Hart’s Run Creek is a breathtaking viewpoint in the Greenbrier State Forest. The popular Rocky Ridge Trail leads the trekkers to Hart’s Run Creek and Kate’s Mountain.

Heated Pool

Hikers are eager to take a dip in the heated pool after a healthy and rigorous walking stint in one of the several hiking trails.

Activities available in Greenbrier State Forest.

Once young and active trekkers who have now turned to mountain biking are glad to use the hiking trails to enjoy long hours of riding bikes.

The sophisticated golf is also available for avid golfers who consider mountain golfing much more pleasant than the plains.

Archery is a game not for all.  There is an archery range in Greenbrier Valley.

Similarly, there is a range for rifle shooting sport called “muzzleloading”.

Elders indulge in a game called “horseshoes”.

Students love to play a game of volleyball for which heir is a court.

Flea Market of Greenbrier Valley

Who doesn’t love to browse through shops selling myriad things in a flea market? It is an enjoyable outing for both the sellers and buyers.

I would look for local antiques, handcrafted artworks, and farm produces in a flea market.

Caves in Greenbrier Valley

You won’t believe when you come to know the Greenbrier Valley is home to hundreds of caves. One of the caves runs into nearly 65 km in length!

Greenbrier River

Greenbrier Valley

You can spend hours on the banks of Greenbrier River and do just nothing but to gaze and hear the sound of flowing water. If you are alert, you can see colorful butterflies, dragonflies, and grasshoppers.

Greenbrier River flows for nearly 260 km in West Virginia through the Greenbrier Valley area.

Fauna of Greenbrier Valley

Do you know the Greenbrier River itself is home to about 100 species of fish? This implies there is an abundance of prey to the birds that live in the valley. They are numbering to as many as 300 species.

The birds happily feast upon the numerous species of insects such as beetles, crickets, odonates ( a kind of dragonfly), moths and stoneflies that are found on the grassy banks of the Greenbrier River.


The avian species spotted in Greenbrier Valley

West Virginia’s most beautiful bird is the ‘Cardinal’.


Cardinal is also the state bird of West Virginia.

Generally, the hummingbirds love mountainous regions with an abundant water source. You can spot them easily in Greenbrier Mountains.

Other birds that are seen in Greenbrier Valley are:

  • Brown Thrasher

Brown Thrasher

  • American Robin

American Robin-Greenbrier Valley

  • Scarlet Tanager

Scarlet Tanager

Oh, the real example of ‘scarlet’ color!

  • Tufted Titmouse

Tufted Titmouse

  • American Goldfinch

American Goldfinch - Greenbrier Valley

  • Northern Mockingbird

Northern Mockingbird

  • Wood Thrush

Wood Thrush

  • Blue Jay

Blue Jay

Near the Greenbrier River, you can spot several species of ducks and turkeys.

In the deeper woods, one can identify hawks and Golden Eagles.

Mammals in Greenbrier Valley and Greenbrier State Forest.

Elk is seen, mostly their horns entangled in fights. Cottontail rabbits are found in good number.

Mountain lions co-exist with foxes and bison in Greenbrier Valley.

Staying options in Greenbrier State Forest

If you are taking time off to enjoy the cool environs of Greenbrier Mountains, you can as well think of staying overnight.

There are about a dozen cabins with simple facilities. These cabins are ideal for family travelers.

If you are single, then, choose to stay in one of the many camps on open ground.

For those who carry fat wallets, there are several options to make it tghin. Star hotels, Inns, and mountain resorts are quite a few in Greenbrier Valley.

Food in Greenbrier Valley:

Well, Greenbrier is a big county in the United States and as such, there is no dearth of pure American foods that include:

  • Salads
  • Hotdogs
  • Burgers
  • Roasted Ducks
  • Grilled Steak

For continental food connoisseurs, pasta, lobsters, and crabs are widely served in every restaurant in Greenbrier County.


From the available information, it looks Greenbrier Valley is an ideal weekend getaway for the residents of Virginia and Washington D.C.

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