12 Most Beautiful Places in America to See

by Jane Sophia
12 Most Beautiful Places in America to See

If there is one continent in the world that is the most traveled one, then, it has to be the United States of America. There is simply no exception, hence I am detailing about 12 Most Beautiful Places in America to See.

America is full of the utmost tourist attractions that compel even the most disinterested traveler to plan for a second trip.

The U.S. attracts with every kind of geographical beauty that is either naturally formed or man made wonders.

  • Oceans
  • Islands
  • Beaches
  • Hills and mountains
  • Volcanoes and craters
  • National Parks and Marine Parks
  • Lakes and waterfalls
  • Lagoons and waves
  • Theme parks
  • Castles and forts
  • Monuments and museums
  • Flora and fauna
  • Chopper tours
  • Wildlife safaris in jeeps
  • Deserts and sand dunes
  • Canyons, gorges, and valleys
  • Hotels, resorts, and camps
  • Fantastic cuisineAmerica map

You name your fantasy and interest and America has it. Here is the list of-

12 Most Beautiful Places in America to See

In this post, I have compiled a big list of the 12 Most Beautiful Places in America to See. These places are of high tourist attractions and spread over every state of America.

  1. Most Beautiful Places in America to See: Sequoia National Park, Sierra Nevada

There are 62 national parks in America. Each one is unique with its own diverse topography and landscape.

The Sequoia National Park attracts a large number of tourists whose main interest is the flora of the region.

The world’s largest tree “ General Sherman Tree” is part of this national park in the U.S.

Most Beautiful Places in America General Sherman Tree

Every giant sequoia tree has a history to tell.

Apart from the range of exciting flora, a tourist to Sequoia National Park has most beautiful places in to see that include:

  • Crystal Cave

  • Crescent Meadows

Crescent Meadows

  • Tunnel Tree
  • Moro Rock

Most Beautiful Places in America Moro Rock

  • Tokopah Waterfalls

Most Beautiful Places in America Tokopah Waterfalls

  1. Most Beautiful Places in America to See: Antelope Canyon, Arizona

So, what’s your reaction after seeing the short video clip of Antelope Canyon, a kind of rock formation in caves that let through sun beams through slots or slits on the roof?

It is eerie as well as breathtakingly beautiful.

There is no match to this beautiful place in America’s Arizona state that also hosts the Grand Canyon, the world’s most visited natural geological wonder that  simply has no match anywhere in the world.

Antelope Canyon’s exact location in Arizona is called ‘Navajo Land’, a large territory of the American Indians.

The Antelope Canyon is one of the most beautiful places in America to see.

  1. Turnip Rock, Michigan

What a spectacular sight! Its sheer beauty attracts thousands of tourists every year to Michigan, the land of thousands of lakes.

Turnip Rock is a geological formation in Lake Huron, Michigan.

Can you imagine this beautiful rock was formed naturally by water erosion? Imagine the original landscape of Lake Huron.

If you want to get a closeup view of the Turnip Rock- one of the most beautiful places in America to visit, you can go on a boat from Port Austin, a boat docking yard in Lake Huron, Michigan.

  1. Tulip Fields, Skagit Valley

Your guess is right, buddy! It is all about a feast to our eyes. Rows and rows of brightly colored Tulip flowers are anytime a vision arrester. No one can take his eyes off the breathtaking sight.

To watch the tulip blooms, Americans need not go all the way to the Netherlands or Canada. A tulip festival is held in America’s Washington State (it is not the Washington D.C. man) in the month of April every year.

Below is an aerial view of the Skagit Valley:

Skagit Valley

You can see the Skagit River snaking through the valley.

  1. Prismatic Spring, Wyoming

Prismatic Spring, Most Beautiful Places in America

Beautiful hot spring-isn’t it? It is located inside the Yellow Stone National Park Wyoming. It is one of the foremost national parks in the United States.

Due to the presence of several micro-organisms around the natural geyser, the water, as well as its perimeter, reveals a mixture of various colors that resembles a view through the prism stone. Only, there is no physical prism here but nature itself acts as a prism.

Prismatic Spring

  1. Crater Lake, Oregon

What a spellbinding place in America! It is truly a blessed nation.

Crater Lake Most Beautiful Places in America

The crater is the byproduct of a volcano called “Mount Mazama”.

The water from the melting snow and the rain fill up the lake up to its mammoth 2000 feet approximately!

The lake’s size is nearly 10 by 8 km in length and width respectively. That’s huge really; large enough a place for two small islands inside the lake.

Crater Lake is certainly  one of the most beautiful places in America.

  1. Bryce Canyon, Utah

Bryce Canyon, Utah

What a spectacular natural rock formation! On a closer look, you would notice the Bryce Canyon is not a canyon actually though the sprawling 36,000 acres looks similar to a canyon formed naturally over several thousand years.

So, if Bruce Canyon is not a canyon, what else it is?

Bryce Canyon comes under the category of an ‘amphitheater’’.  The spires or the tall red-colored rocks you see are called ‘hoodoos’.

Roughly 3 million visitors go to Utah to see Bryce Canyon and look at it from various viewpoints. The names of some of the popular viewpoints in Bryce Canyon are:

  • Sunrise point
  • Sunset point

It is a rare instance where you can watch both the sunrise and the sunset at the same place though at different times of course.

  • Inspiration Point
  • Bryce Point

I believe there are as many as thirteen observation platforms that give you different perspectives to the Bryce Canyon which is now a national park of America.

Star Gazing in Bryce Canyon

Since the area has vast open space, stargazing is actively pursued in Bryce Canyon. There are comfortable cabins to stay overnight that are in demand always. You need to book your cabin at least 30 days in advance.

Alternatively, you can opt to stay in a camp in the clearly earmarked campgrounds. I am sure this is a much better option to watch stars.

Hiking in Bryce Canyon

The sprawling area with uninterrupted views and lack of vegetation goad a visitor to go for a hiking session. Eight pre-trodden hiking trails are there in Bryce Canyon, one of the most breathtaking tourist landmarks in America.

  1. Adventure Travel to- Kenai Fjords, Alaska

Kenai Fjords, Alaska

A fjord is a sea inlet between two giant mountains. They are to be seen to believe and admire their stunning beauty. In fact, you should see the fjords during the summer when there is no snow surrounding them. Norway is the land of fjords but here in America’s Alaska state, at the foothills of the large Kenai Mountain range, you can see the Kenai Fjord.

There are over 30+ glaciers surrounding the Kenai fjord.

I read the Kenai Fjord is not easily accessible but it seems adventure tourists are seen going on a boat safari in the Kenai Fjord even during the very harsh winter season.

It is more difficult to wear heavy snow boots and walking on the thick snow and enjoy looking at the Kenai fjord from different angles.

The Kenai fjord comes under Kenai Fjord National Park.

Wildlife in Kenai National Park

In spite of unfriendly weather conditions, the Kenai National Park is home to a range of wildlife that includes:

  • Coyote
  • Beaver
  • Brown Bear
  • Lynx
  • Moose
  • Red Squirrels
  • Mink

If you want to tour Alaska in the United States, you need at least two weeks to see all the attractions of Alaska but to visit the Kenai Fjord, one of the most beautiful places in America,  you just need a day.

  1. Big Sur Cliffs, California

Our next place of interest in the list of most beautiful places in America to see is Big Sur, a filmy location in California where the view of the Pacific Ocean from cliffs as high as 5000 feet will make you gasp audibly. You are sure to let out a loud “Wow or Oh My God” as soon as your car climbs up the Santa Lucia Mountains and you get your first glimpse of the ocean below.

Most Beautiful Places in America Big Sur Cliffs

What can you do in Big Sur?

Nothing much but to sit and gaze at the ocean below where you can watch surfers having their field day throughout the year.

Watch a short video clip below, taking you for a drive just above the Pacific Ocean on the Big Sur highway.

Absolutely spellbinding view-right? Oh man, I would make a separate trip to the U.S. just to see one of the most beautiful places in America. I am speechless and I noticed my mouth was wide open for several seconds when I watched the above video.

Not only there is an ocean for a view below but you can also stop your car and walk through deserted and silent forest lined with groves of redwood trees.

Due to a lack of places to stay overnight near Big Sur, you can only plan a day trip from the nearest city Sam Simeon.

  1. Most Beautiful Place in US- Oneonta George, Oregon

The video below speaks volumes of the place and its stunningly dramatic beauty that unfolds as you walk through a dense wood.

Look at the clarity of the water that flows like a stream from the waterfalls! It is sheer crystal clear.

Oneonta George

The entire area surrounding this most beautiful place in America is a highly protected forest as it’s home to rare flora, both on the soil and on the rocks such as moss and ferns that are said to be several million years old.

The Oneonta Gorge is a very picturesque tourist attraction in the U.S. The water you see on the falls is fed by Columbia River.

There are three waterfalls in the Oneonta Gorge and the one you saw on the video above is the Middle Oneonta Falls.

  • Middle Oneonta Falls
  • Upper Oneonta falls
  • Lower Oneonta Falls
  1. Palouse Prairie-Most Beautiful Places in America

Palouse Prairie Most Beautiful Places in America

How can you describe this natural beauty? I do not have the proper adjectives to explain this most beautiful place in America.

The Palouse Hills are spread over two adjacent states of America namely Idaho and Washington.

The wheat and lentils that are cultivated here are said to be rich in quality and are in high demand in the other states of America such as Chicago and Michigan

The rolling hills of Palouse are not popular among the tourists to America but that doesn’t downgrade its terrific beauty.

  1. Thor’s Well, One of the Most Beautiful Places in America

This tourist landmark is another big one in the state of Oregon, U.S.A. I could not find how many tourists flock to this beautiful place in America in spite of its rare geological phenomenon.

The Thor’s Well is a hole surrounded by the rocks on the Pacific Ocean in Oregon state. The waves when they crash on the rocks, pour the water in a great rush into the hole (well) and in a jiffy, the water again gushes up and merges with the ocean.

Thor’s Well

I think no one is able to measure the depth of the Thor’s Well.

When you plan your trip to the U.S., go straight to Oregon as it has more than one most beautiful places in America.

I know I have shrunk America to unreasonably small measures. The continent is just too big to compile its breathtakingly beautiful attractions in a shortlist.

Nonetheless, I hope you liked what you read thus far about 12 most beautiful places in America.

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