5 Exciting Wildlife Tours for Children

by Jane Sophia
Wildlife Tours

Wildlife tours are enjoyed the most by children. Though adults too like to go on animal safaris, they do only because their children scream with joy when they first set their sight on one of the big cats.

Moreover, children on wildlife tours get useful exposure when they see animals and birds in their true habitat. They learn not to disturb the home grounds of forest animals, birds, insects, and even marine life.

During my school days, we are frequently taken on animals safaris and that’s why we are sensitive to the ecology. It is sad that these days, children are rarely taken out of their school; they are simply subjected to books and mobile entertainment.

Here are five of the best wildlife tours for children that would expose them to:

  • wild animals
  • endangered fauna
  • endemic birds and mammals
  • colorful birds
  • butterflies
  • nocturnal insects
  • marine life.
  1. 1. Great Spirit Bear Rainforest Wildlife tours, Canada

Look at the size of this enormous rainforest in British Columbia. Canada. It comprises an area of 6.4 million hectares. That is approximately 16 million acres! I read it equals the size of Ireland. It would be easier to grasp the size if I convert it into length. It covers an area stretching to a mind boggling 400 km!

So, what do you find in this great rainforest?

This is what the children would see.

Wildlife Tours Kermode Bear

It is the ‘Kermode Bear’ and it also known as ‘spirit bear’. These huge animals also found in black color.

This children’s wildlife tour can also make them indulge in some water sports and whale watching in the nearby areas.

Other activities during the Great Bear Rainforest wildlife tour:

  • Boating on glacial fjords
  • Bathing in natural geysers (hot springs)
  • Forest walk
  • Bird watching
  • Heli-hiking (a helicopter tour to show you the darkest corners of the Great Bear Rainforest (aerial view only)
  • Visiting the nearby Khutzeymateen Provincial Park to see grizzly bears

Search for reputed Great Bear Rainforest Safari operators in the British Columbia area.

  1. 2. Wildlife tours in Borneo, Malaysia to see the Orangutans.

You can see Orangutans only in Malaysia and Indonesia. Malaysia’s dense forests are ideal habitat for them.

Your children’s wildlife tour to see the Orangutans include the following areas of Malaysia:

  • Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia
  • Kinabatangan River, Sabah, Malaysia.
  • Tabin Wildlife Reserve, Sabah, Malaysia.

Where is Borneo?

Borneo is an island in Malaysia. The area is also shared by Indonesia and Brunei.

Wildlife Tours Orangutans

In order to see the endangered Orangutans, you must plan your wildlife safari from March to October. Beware that this period is also very hot and humid.

Your children’s wildlife tour to Borneo would also include trekking in the Mount Kinabalu whose summit is located at a height of 13,500 feet!

While trying to encounter the elusive Orangutans, you can also spot the rare ‘cloud leopard’ during your wildlife tours.

Other wild animals that live in the jungles of Borneo:

  • Leaf Monkeys

Wildlife Tours Leaf Monkeys

  • Gibbons

Wildlife Tours Gibbons

  • Flying Lemurs

Avifauna in Borneo

The wildlife tour operators in Borneo know how to keep the children happy by taking them on a short bird safari too. There are about 26 species of endemic bird species in the Borneo forest.

Just one example of the endemic bird in Borneo.

Wildlife Tours Bornean Whistler

It is Bornean Whistler

If time permits, arrange for an island hopping to see the Sipadan Island.

Sipadan Island

It is a strange geographical phenomenon that this small Malaysian island is situated above 600 meters from the ground level in spite of being an island.

  1. 3. Tiger watching Wildlife tours, India

There are more than a handful of tiger habitats in India and among them; the most popular place is Rathnambore. The elegant Royal Bengal Tigers’ favorite habitat in the world is Rathnambore.

Wildlife Tours Royal Bengal Tigers

Ranthambore National Park is a tiger sanctuary you would be touring. This place is located in the Rajasthan state of India. Tigers don’t come out always from their hideouts. Nevertheless, the best time to see them when they venture out in search of water. If a waterhole is nearby, it is the vantage spot so that you can see the tiger in hordes.

Other wild animals that you can spot in Rathnambore during your wildlife tours are leopards, sloth bear, chital, monkeys and spotted deer.

  1. 4. Penguin watching safari in New Zealand

Penguins enchant us, especially the children who are delighted to see these almost comical walkers when they are roosting on the land. However, when they hit the water, the penguins are one of the fastest swimmers.

Contrary to the thought that you can see the penguins in the Arctic and Antarctic circles, you can see them in New Zealand’s

  • Milford Sound, South Island
  • Oamaru, South Island
  • Dunedin, South Island
  • Bank Peninsula, South Island
  • Stewart Island, New Zealand

Since all the penguins are spotted in South Island in New Zealand, your children have a wide option to choose their wildlife tours.

The most beautiful and rare Blue Penguin is spotted in New Zealand only.

Blue Penguin

While your children are on a penguin tour in New Zealand, they can also see Kiwi, the national bird of New Zealand and the graceful albatross.

  1. The African Safari, Tanzania

Animal safari means African safari to every one of us. Without mentioning at least one venue in Africa, your children’s wildlife tour is empty. Africa’s Tanzania is the most chosen place in the world to go on wildlife tours.

The Serengeti National Park in northern Tanzania is the most mentioned place on the Internet to watch the great migration of zebra and the wildebeest crossing the Grumeti River.

Wildebeest Migration

Other wildlife that is spotted in Tanzania:

  • Black Rhino
  • Martial Eagle

Martial Eagle

  • Flamingos
  • Lion
  • Hippo
  • Grey Crowned Crane

Grey Crowned Crane

  • Cheetah
  • Springbok
  • Hyena
  • Jackal
  • Wolf
  • Yellow Billed Stark

 Yellow Billed Stark

Oh, what a beauty! This is a graceful walker because of the long legs.

Of course, there are several children’s wildlife tours that I can write about but these 5 safaris would thrill them beyond description.

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