Gaganbavada, Breathtaking Hill Town in Kolhapur

by Jane Sophia
Gaganbavada Hill Town in Kolhapur

Warning! The video below will make you spring into action to know about the breathtaking and out of the world scenic hill drive. I have provided whatever information is available about Gaganbavada. You just have to read further after watching the video.

So, what’s your impression?

Gaganbavada, the hill paradise you just watched is located in Kolhapur district of Maharastra state, India. You guessed it right, mate; it is the evergreen lush Western Ghats.

The mist-filled ghats, the winding roads, the think jungle on the mountain slopes will make your mouth agape. If I am right, it was so when you watched the video a few seconds ago.

How to reach Gaganbavada?

Obviously, you would like to drive a car on the western ghats to appreciate the picturesque surrounding.

It is located 60 km south of Kolhapur. The town is situated at height of 3000 feet approximately.

Kolhapur is well connected with rail network but no airport. Oh, there is an airport but it is defunct.

Belgaum (Karnataka) has an airport at 170 km away.

Pune is also an option for flyers. The distance to it from Pune is 285 km.

When is the best time to visit Gaganbavada?

If you are impressed with the video above, then, plan your trip during the monsoon. The whole region gets shrouded in mist and rain. The area wears a fresh, green blanket.

If rain drives you indoors, then, you can plan a trip to Gaganbavada anytime during the years except June to September.

Gaganbavada Attractions:


The entire  town is attractive. However, you can visit the following places either on the way or nearby.

  • Lakhmapur dam
  • Panadava caves
  • Napne waterfall
  • Savdav waterfalls
  • Radhangari Wildlife sanctuary (35 km)

There is nothing much to for sightseeing tourists. However, naturalists would prefer that way. They would like to get lost amidst the beautiful forests and get back after letting the spectacular beauty sink in.

Avid bird watchers would also enter the forests and wait patiently for the beautiful birds of Western Ghats.

Staying in Option:

There is nothing much here. It is better to stay in Kolhapur and make a day trip to Gaganbavada.

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