Best Bars in Rome that you should visit

by Jane Sophia
Best Bars in Rome that you should visit

These are the pubs and bars in Rome that you should visit when you take a Roman holiday.

Rome-the ultimate city in the world of fun and frolic is the perennial holiday destination for all age groups. Rome and for the matter of fact, entire Italy is the only country in the whole world whose every city and village are worth visiting.

After you have made all your travel arrangements to Rome such as affordable business class return trip flight tickets and hotel that is near to all the tourist attractions in Rome, it is time for you to sit and do your research regarding which restaurants you should go and what Italian specialties you should eat. In addition, you surely would like to visit at least a few best pubs and bars in Rome in Rome.

After all, where is the fun if your spirit is not taken care of; won’t it protest if you are partial to your stomach alone?

I have curated a list of best bars in Rome that every tourist to Italy should visit.

Rome is truly an international city in every sense from a tourist point of view. The nightclubs and bars in Rome are too diverse to explain. Some of the bars are cozy while some pubs have given importance to privacy.

A few nightclubs serve incredibly unique cocktails and some bars in Rome have very comfortable seats.

In addition, I have noticed the waiters in the bars and restaurants in Rome are the quickest movers in the world. It is obvious they love their work and find pleasure in meeting new people.

9 Best Bars in Rome You should never forget to visit

Argot Bar, Rome

Argot Bars in Rome

Well, don’t expect something glossy and classy. This bar in Rome is for people from all classes of society. If you love people as well as drinks, the Argot Bar is the place to go. Above all, the drinks that served here are excellent.

Note: Don’t expect an English bar menu everywhere you go in Rome or in any other Italian city. The language will be in Italian. The names of the drinks and food would be too difficult to pronounce. Hence, you order what you want by placing your index finger on the photo beside the menu.

Argot Bar is well stocked, buddy. You can ask for any international brand and you will get it quickly. They never say ‘no’ to your choice of wine.

Argot Bars

The Argot Bar can be easily found because it is located very close to Campo de’ Fiori, the happening place in Rome.

Another reason for the high popularity of Argot Bar is the variety of mocktails they serve. If you want to straightaway hit the hard liquor, order a large of ‘Le Papillon’, a whiskey-based cocktail.

Another frequently-ordered cocktail at Argot Bar is ‘rosemary gimlet.

See a video clip showing how rosemary gimlet is mixed by a barman.

Call Argot Bar at +39 06 4555 1966 if you want to ask something. Hey mister, call after 11 pm (23 hrs) only because the Argot Bar wakes up only at that ghastly hour.

The Barber Shop, Rome.

Who else can come up with a misnomer for a bar than the imaginative and fun-loving Italians? The Barber Shop is a bar in Rome.

Barber Shop bar in Rome

It is obvious that the quality of drinks, food and the service of the ‘Barber Shop” is good because, without any big promotion, the word spread and tourists started visiting this bar in Rome and leaving their feedback where they are read. Yes, I mean the Trip Advisor where the feedbacks published are from by real customers and user.

‘The Barber Shop” bar in Rome is categorized as a ‘speakeasy bar’.

Abbey Theater, Rome

Abbey theater Irish bars in Rome

It is a misleading name all right for a pub but let me assure you, buddy, it is a pub and an Irish one. We all know the Irish pubs are highly respected drinking outlets in the world.

The Irish people are big beer lovers and they must have been influenced by their British neighbor’s English pubs.

Abbey Theater is an Irish pub in Rome that not only the Irish residents in Rome go but also the locals frequent for a few pints of frothy Irish beer and authentic Irish food.

Of course, being located in Rome, any drinking outlet cannot veer away from baking and serving the lip-smacking Italian pasta-right? So, you can order your favorite pasta also from Abbey Theater, customize the dressing with a range of sauces and enjoy with a pint of beer or a double Scotch on the rocks.

Abbey Theatre Irish pub is located just a stone’s throw away distance from Piazza Navona, the busy city square.

Of course, there is live music that is all Irish. Apart from that, whenever there is a major sports event is taking place, you can see it live inside this Rome pub.

Drink Kong, Rome

Drink Cong Rome bar

You could say it is a new kid on the city’s fun scene. This Roman bar is just a year old. It’s why it has embraced the contemporary flashy lights. I think such multi-color neon lights will increase your thirst for liquor. Or, does your spirit soar high just by being drenched in the colored light?

The reviews say Drink Cong serve awesome cocktails and excellent food.

Drink Cong is not a big bar in Rome; nevertheless, its small interiors are filled by 8 pm and stays so until 2 am when the mixologist shuts the door.

If you are not able to decide your dinner from the elaborate food menu car, you can enter the ‘omakase’ room and allow the chef of Drink Cong to select your food based on your taste preferences.

Nice arrangement-eh?

It is closed on all Mondays.

Ai Tre Scalini, wine bar, Rome

As I mentioned earlier, the Italians love wines and they make much better wines than the French does. If you are skeptic, visit this wine bar in Rome when you go to Italy on a holiday.

Ai Tre Scalini

Almost every province/region in Italy makes wines from the locally cultivated grapes. The Ai Tre Scalini is a wine bar in Rome that won’t match your imagination when it comes to seating. The furniture is too bare to write about but that should not deter you from going there just to taste the wine of your final choice.

Along with a range of wine, beer and other liquors are also served. This bar in Rome has an attached restaurant too that offer Sienna sausages.

The food menu card mentions all the items in the Italian language. You certainly could use some local help to order your food.

Bukowski Bar, Rome

Bukowski Bars in Rome

Bukowski-is it Polish or Russian?

Whatever it may be, this Rome bar has made it to the list of best wine bars in Rome. It seems there are more wine bars in Rome than beer pubs. I wonder whether the Italians favor the American Scotch whiskey or the Russian vodka.

As you can see from the image above, there are sofas strewn around the bar making you wonder whether it is really a bar or a lounge in a hotel.

The comfortable sofas are meant for you to sit and relax with a book and your goblet of Italian wine.

To start with, you will be given free aperitifs. Though free, it is not miserly. I mean, the quantity is really large. For food recommendations, try the lasagna, the local staple of the Italians. In addition, order the eggplant parmigiana; you will love it.

Wine Bars in Rome: Il Goccetto, wine bar

A very very Italian name-eh? It is essentially a wine bar that offers you a big choice of collections, making the act of choosing, time-consuming. In that case, seek the help of the friendly bartender; he will not disappoint you.

As this wine bar in Rome is more than 35 years old, you may find the interior and the ambiance a bit outdated but nonetheless, the range of wines is pretty impressive.

With the experience of several decades, they know how to identify the best wines of various regions in Italy and other European countries and bring them to their bar shelves.

I suppose Il Goccetto wine bar in Rome didn’t expect much patronage when they began in 1983 and their space is rather small.

Because of the finest wines, the locals started favoring and the crowd started building. Nowadays, you have to make a reservation on your table.

The snack menu is well thought of that goes well with wines. The snacks include:

  • Meatballs
  • Cheese based vegetables
  • Marinated veggies
  • Tiella-a savory dish made with potato, rice, and onion.


Best Bars in Rome: Al Vino Al Vino


This Roam drinking outlet is a wine bar that sells wines at affordable prices. Hence, you would naturally expect quite a good crowd but alas, it is not so. You can barge in without reservation. If you are an Italian wine buff, bookmark this place in your list of bars to visit in Rome.

Al Vino Al Vino -Italian wine bars in Rome

The wine collection at Al Vino Al Vino is appreciated by expert wine tasters.

This bar in Rome is located in a posh locality called Monti. It is supposed to be the center of Rome.

Trimani, wine bars in Rome

As it has been serving world’s best of wines over a 100 years, it has got quite a lot of loyal customers who are regulars to this bar in Rome.

You can choose to order a pint of beer or a double large of Italian brandy.

Rome is too big a city to shrink its drinking holes in a blog post. I have listed only  pubs and bars in Rome, that often got into reviewers’ pages on the web. You can go wider on your choice and recommend your likes.

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Matheikal July 18, 2019 - 2:00 pm

Very inviting places.

Abhijit July 20, 2019 - 10:22 am

Nice and informative for a holiday traveller. Affordable business class ticket! What is that?


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