Best Seafood in Las Vegas: Which Seafood can You Eat in Las Vegas

by Jane Sophia
Seafood in Las Vegas Sushi

Treat this as your food guide when you go and eat Seafood in Las Vegas.

The Christmas holidays are already on the minds of millions of people. Selecting a vacation destination will be the subject of discussion and debate on every house’s dining table.

Children will be searching YouTube for beachside cities that promise fun and frolic.

Elders would be on the lookout for freedom and at the same time, the children should have their time of life.

I reckon Las Vegas will be on the minds of the majority of holidaymakers during the Christmas holidays. Las Vegas’s tourist attractions can allure all age groups; there is something for everyone in Las Vegas.

So, let us assume the majority would vote for Las Vegas.  You can find accommodations that won’t blow a hole in your wallet. In addition, there are numerous hotel booking sites that show a long list of hotels and resorts.


However, when it comes to eating and drinking in Las Vegas, you have to depend only on travel blogs similar to ours.

My research findings on some of the mouthwatering foods in Las Vegas are shared below.

Come on, let us give full attention to the eating scenario in Las Vegas.

Best Sea Food in Las Vegas

Not many people would think of eating fresh seafood in Las Vegas as there are no coasts nearby. The nearest beach is in Newport that is 600 km away.

  • Crustaceans in Las Vegas

Crustaceans are a common name to denote the arthropods living in the sea. However, not all marine life falls under “Crustaceans”.

For example, the most preferred seafood by the Americans is shrimps and prawns.

Crustaceans in Las Vegas

Ah, its tentacles are long and hairy. Such sea creatures categorized under “Crustaceans”. Other arthropods that served in different forms in Las Vegas are:

  • Crab
  • Lobsters
  • Crayfish
  • Krill

Here is a unique arthropod that you can find on the menu cards in Las Vegas:



Woodlice are its plural form.

So, that’s the seafood that can get on your platter in Las Vegas. Go, ahead, pick what you are going to eat in Las Vegas now.

Oh, wait! I unearthed some more arthropods that the restaurants in Las Vegas serve. The chefs in Las Vegas are fully aware that the guests that fill up the Las Vegas streets and casinos would come from all parts of the world. In order to make them repeat their visits, they take the utmost care and pride by serving dishes that are not regularly found on the menu cards in other parts of the United  States and Europe.

For example, how about the Californian Spiny Lobster?

Seafood in Las Vegas

Yes, this is also a crustacean, buddy.

The Red King Crabs that are caught off the coast of Alaska are special seafood you can eat in Las Vegas.

Red King Crabs

It certainly doesn’t look ‘red’ to me. What about you, mate? However, it certainly weighs around 7 kg! That’s quite a lot of meat from a single crustacean-right?

Seafood in Las Vegas: Spot Prawns:

Seafood in Las Vegas Spot Prawns

These small crustaceans are caught off the coast of Alaska and Santa Barbara. In the restaurants’ menu cards in Las Vegas, these ‘spot prawns’ name is preceded either by Alaska or by Santa Barbara.

Trivia: This particular Crustacean cooked with ample lime juice. I don’t know why.

Seafood in Las Vegas: Oysters

Another rather limited available seafood that you can eat in Las Vegas is oyster. I believe it is eaten raw. Actually, there is nothing much to bite and chew; oyster is too small a seafood that you just gulp down.

See how an oyster is eaten (rather just gulped down the throat) in the video below.

Throughout Las Vegas, you will find several Oyster Bars. What an appropriate name was given to an eatery as oysters are drunk and not eaten! Oysters are also calledClams”.

Since Las Vegas comprises nearly 70% floating population coming from just about every country and island, the food satisfies almost all natives.

For shrimp buffs:

Shrimps are unique seafood. Though every other cuisine from every country cooks the shrimps differently, the basic yummy taste of shrimps retained in those dishes.

For example, in Kerala state in India, the shrimps are abundantly available. They cooked with an overdose of coconut aroma.

Similarly, in Las Vegas restaurants, shrimps cooked and served to emanate the aroma of olive oil distinctly.

The shrimp buffs can have their day in Las Vegas by eating a shrimp cocktail.

Seafood in Las Vegas shrimp cocktail

Even the shrimp (prawn) cocktail is differently prepared from region to region.

Here is a version of British Shrimp Cocktail:

British Shrimp Cocktail Seafood in Las Vegas

See how a shrimp cocktail made in a Las Vegas Resto-Bar:

I noticed the chef expertly added different kinds of sauces (cocktail sauce and boiled shrimps?).

Blue Crabs in Las Vegas

Blue Crabs in Las Vegas

One restaurant named “Crab Corner” in Las Vegas assures its customers that they serve freshly caught Blue Crabs only and not preserved in the freezer.

Seafood in Las Vegas: Sea Bass

I first read it as ‘sea boss’. I suppose it could have been an apt name as it is predominant seafood in Las Vegas. Strangely, the chefs tried out a bold recipe-baking the sea bass (a kind of Japanese fish).

Somehow, the tourists of Las Vegas liked and that paved way for mushrooming of the same in Las Vegas restaurants.

Seafood in Las Vegas: Dry Fish Fry

Dry fish fry is authentic Indian seafood that found its way into the Las Vegas kitchens. Actually, there are several Indian restaurants in Las Vegas. For Indian chefs, seafood cooking is nothing new. They have adapted a lot in Las Vegas by making use of different fish sauces made in Japan, Vietnam, and Hong Kong.

Sea Urchin in Las Vegas’s seafood

Sea Urchin in Las Vegas

OMG! How do they find time to remove all those thorn-like bristles?

Ah, here is an interesting fact! I read the sea urchins are mostly eaten raw!

Here is another fact that can shock you as well!

Sea Urchin’s edible part is ‘gonads’ only and they are nothing but the reproductive organs of the sea urchin.


Eating Octopus in Las Vegas

As part of eating seafood in Las Vegas, Octopus plays only a minor role because they are scarce.

Octopus boiled first and then grilled. While serving, the chefs would remove its inner parts and place only the head and tentacles of Octopus.

Seafood in Las Vegas: Sushi in Las Vegas

No, the Japanese not found in great numbers in Las Vegas but their cuisine is ubiquitous-right? Especially the sushi bars scattered throughout Las Vegas.

Seafood in Las Vegas Sushi

This is a fish and vinegared rice dish and its origin are Japan.

Eel roast in Las Vegas

Yes, you can find roasted eel in Las Vegas. But, let me ask you a question; do you know how an eel looks like?

Seafood in Las Vegas Eel roast

It is actually a fish with a snake body.

Tell me, will you still eat this so-called seafood?

Tick mark from the list above your favorite seafood in Las Vegas and don’t forget to try it.

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