4 Essential Tips That Help Prepare Your Car for a Road Trip

by Jane Sophia
This year, you’re planning to take spend your vacation at a spot that’s within driving distance of home. You’ve already had the car tuned and made sure all the fluids and filters are good to go. Even the tires were checked and they are in fine shape.
With all that work, there are still a few other things that you need to do to your prized used Toyota RAV-4 before setting out on that road trip. These four essentials will increase the odds of getting to and from your destination without any breakdowns.
Be sure to always have your car, caravan or your mode of transport fully covered. You can also compare motorhome insurance quotes online to find the best deals before riding off in the horizon.

Check the Battery

Do have the battery checked and see how well it’s holding power. Specifically, you want to make sure the crank amps are within an acceptable range. If it appears that the battery is having any trouble holding a decent amount of power, you may want to invest in a new one before hitting the open road.

Have a Professional Look at the Belts and Hoses

It’s a good idea to have someone at your local auto shop take a close look at the hoses and belts. All it takes is one of them to break or to collapse and you could be looking at some serious engine trouble. A professional can determine if there is enough wear and tear to merit investing in a new hose or a new belt. That same professional can also make sure the hoses and belts are tight enough and there is no danger of slippage while you’re on the road.

Run Diagnostics on the Electrical System

The last thing that you need is for one of the dash lights to come on as you’re wending your way to that vacation destination. While you do want to know if something is not working properly, the anxiety that occurs when a sensor is tripped and sends a false signal is not good for your heart. In order to avoid most common issues with the electrical system, take the car to a local shop and have them run a round of diagnostics. If a sensor does show signs of malfunctioning, have it replaced before you take the trip. Your blood pressure will thank you.

Invest in New Windshield Wipers

This is something that many people overlook, but it can turn out to be one of the simplest but most helpful repairs. Take a good look at the condition of the windshield wipers. If they seem to be a little worn, buy a new pair and have them installed. Many auto parts shops will install the new wipers for you. The cost is minimal and they will come in handy if you do run into any rain while on the trip.

Even if the wipers seem to be in great condition, now is the time to clean them. Cleaner wipers translates into fewer streaks if you do have to use them at some point. Without the streaks, it will be easier to see the road and remain safe while traveling in the rain.

Remember that if you do need some parts to help get the car ready for an upcoming vacation, you can often find what you need by using the Kijiji car search tool. Enter the make and model of your vehicle and what type of part that you need. This will often result in finding the best deals on OEM parts and make the cost of preparing the car a little more affordable.

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