Renting a Car in another Country: Car Rental Tips and Precautions

by Jane Sophia
Renting a Car in another Country

Useful tips and precautions needed when Renting a Car in another Country.

Hiring a local taxi when we tour abroad is inevitable. We engage a taxi to go to a tourist spot from our hotel.

Sometimes, we hail a local taxi to return to our hotel after dinner in a recommended restaurant.

Occasionally, we book a cab to go out of town to visit a friend or relative while vacationing in a foreign city.

Please read these useful tips and precautions needed before you renting a car in another Country. These rules are applicable for solo travelers as well as for those who travel with their families.

What kind of mishaps one can expect when renting a car in another country?

  • Overcharging
  • Malfunctioning doors
  • No mobile phone signal
  • Mugging
  • Taking a circuitous route to the destination

11 tips and precautions needed when renting a car in another Country

Follow these tips and take precautions when hiring a taxi abroad.

  1. Know the color of taxis in the city you are visiting

Even before you leave the comforts of your home, do a bit of research about the city of your visit. Know how to identify approved taxis by their color, signboard, and name plate.

We have seen the colors of taxis vary from country to country. Even within the same country, the colors of taxis are different in every city.

Therefore, find out the official color of the taxi in the city you are about to tour.

hiring a taxi abroad

  1. Learn a few short sentences in the local language

It would do you a world of good if you learn a few basic sentences to speak to your taxi driver or to the hotel front desk staff.

I am sure it is not very difficult to learn some important words of a foreign language such as Japanese, Spanish, French, German, or Swedish before you travel.

While it will be useful to communicate, you would make the local taxi driver happy if you attempt to speak his language.

When your taxi driver is happy, he is relaxed and extends his best service.

  1. Renting a Car in another Country Always hire a taxi from a regular taxi stand

It is not hard to find a taxi stand outside the airport or a railway station. It is advisable to walk up to the taxi stand and engage a taxi.

The safety measure is invariably the taxi stands would be under visual surveillance.

In addition, generally, authorized taxis only are allowed to park in an airport or railway station taxi stand.

Nice tip-eh?

  1. Learn to read maps When Renting a Car in another Country

Map reading is an important and valuable skill, especially when touring a foreign country. You could gather maps of the city you are traveling to from the hotel reception.

Find out your intended destination and trace the route to it from your current location. Remember a few landmarks found on your route.

When your taxi passes through the landmarks, you will safe and pat yourself for the effort taken as a precaution.

If your taxi is not passing through the landmark found on the map, ask your taxi driver. Your knowledge shown will make him be careful before thinking of misbehavior.

  1. Don’t use the boot space of the taxi

There is no point in keeping your luggage in the dickey of the taxi. Unless it is too large, keep it beside you. You know what I mean-right?

  1. Check the mobile signal

As you soon as you get inside the taxi, check for a mobile phone signal. If it is either weak or just unavailable, ask the driver for the reason.

If he reports the same condition for his mobile phone, then, assume it is the same everywhere in that particular city.

  1. Ask for the driver’s mobile number

It is prudent to ask for the driver’s mobile number. Don’t just write it down, buddy! Call that number from your mobile to ensure you heard the number correctly.

  1. Renting a Car in another Country Check whether doors are opening

Check once or twice whether all the passenger doors are working smoothly. There is no point in riding in a taxi with jammed doors-right?

  1. Ask your hotel to book a cab

If you plan to travel to a nearby town or village in a cab, it is better to ask your hotel travel desk to arrange a cab for you.

Don’t use any app to book a cab in a foreign country.

  1. Keep Small Denominations When Renting a Car in another Country

You should prefer to pay digital money to the taxi driver. If that’s not possible, you will have to keep some money as small changes.

  1. Don’t be eager to start a conversation

Don’t show off when you are traveling abroad in a taxi. We tend to show off our knowledge about the country of visit and opine about the local Government’s policies.

This is strictly a ‘NO’. Never be too eager to start a conversation with your driver to show you’re a friendly person.

Got my point?

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1 comment

pushpendra dwivedi May 2, 2020 - 11:55 pm

helpful informative post thanks for sharing


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